This Old House

This is our ancient beauty we call HOME.
A true gift from the "Housing Gods"; this house graced us through word of mouth by the family. It was love at first sight. Its sit strong and majestic on the Dupont hills with probably the best view around.

Being built around the 1907, it has certainly seen many eras go by. For what i've heard, the area on which the house sit was near a whiskey mill and the people up on this hill were considered wealthy. The house certain is made for a king, given that time. A rarity it seems as it also owns the 2nd lot next to it, making it one of the bigger lots on the block!  The garage was once a apartment with a second story, only later to be taken down by the previous owner and made into a rather roomy garage. Perfect for a certain car enthusiast of mine!

Its last owners were 4 men, all related i believe, who were certainly minimalist. The kitchen has no cabinetry! Only a stove, sink and refrigerator; all which were very original 1940's look. Where did they put the dishes and pans? In a little china cabinet! So this is the room that will be changing the most in the house. Don't get me started about the "Willy Wonka" wallpaper....
Click the slideshow below to see the progress so far!!
UPDATED!! See the semi-done-ness! Counter tops comin soon!

Like a rings of tree....
In general, these men didn't partake in to much decorating of the place. Like it was said, they were "minimalist" who found collecting stuff more enjoyable then home decor. They basically just used coats of paint (oh so leaded!) or flowered wallpaper to spruce things up.
Upon removing the cast-iron heating vents we were taken aback by the view. Apparently the rooms were not only a yellowy color, but also green, blue and even pink once! The painted golden wood that borders around the room and doors was actually a nice dark almost cherry color. Oh how i would have loved to see this house back in those days!

The dining & living room have real oak floors that were never treated and need much love; but still in great condition. The walls are/were a yellow-y off white color which brought out the pop-corned walls. Yes, our walls have patterns! The living room is top to bottom full of polka dots splotches and our dining room is just all over bumpy. It was bothersome at first but as you'll see in the next set of photos, we've kinda grown to love it. My personal favorite about those rooms is the little wrap to the stair case and of course my big beautiful front window with an actual view.

Click the slideshow below to see the progress so far!!

 The final 2 rooms downstairs are a huge walk in closet/pantry and our bathroom. Both have there own unique touches. The pantry is shelved and roomy for perfect storage BUT is covered in slate gray lead paint which is being replaced. It will certainly get its use so i need it in tip top shape. And the bathroom....well.....
The bathroom was actually added on at some point to the house. They actually had an outhouse which was knocked down when we purchased the house. So the bathroom was a second thought apparently. Upon opening the door you were immediately blinded by a neon green light. This was the curtain that hung over the lonely rectangle window, casting a radioactive glow into the small room. Then your eyes got a taste of the real madness. Teal walls, teal tub, teal toliet, and teal match a yellow and black tile that wrapped around half of every wall. I kid you not! Yellow, teal, and black. Oh how my decor loving heart cringed. Thankfully since owning the home, we've painted the walls white which reduces the retro-ness significantly. Oh and no more green curtain. Now what's next for this bathroom? New floors and a shower set up. I could make do with the cabinetry and classic 1940's vanity mirror (complete with clock in the mirror!) thats in there. This bathroom will certainly be another awesome change to come.

Coming up next....
~ Kitchen will be done!
~ Averi's room transformation revealed!
~ Our bedroom revealed!
~The who killed Kernel Mustard Room!