Feb 12, 2011

Simple Saturday

Nothing beats a lazy weekend, well for Averi and me anyway. Daddy has gone early to his airsoft practice leaving part of the day to just us two. So the morning was spent with our feet and hands in the sand. Ok, not real sand sadly but dry rice sand in our sensory bin. Many things can come from these 2 bins, from simple burying of hands & feet to making "soup" for our animals. A good hours worth of playing every time. Of course, not all the rice stays in the bins no matter how many times i've stressed it. Thankfully a towel underneath catches the drifters. My vacuum also gets a work-out if things get a little crazy.One day she will have an actual sand box outside, but for now this will do.

Look! That's grass!
 On my way to put my coffee cup in the sink i took a peek outside. The sun was shining, the temperature for once is above freezing and the best sight of all.... MELTING SNOW! Oh i was filled with giddy to see little sprouts of dead grass trimming my sidewalk. My small garden with its poked out leftovers of the seasons before. Thoughts of my new garden fill me with glee. I practically squealed when i saw flowers in Lowes the other day and took a deep whiff as i went by. Although there are talks of another dash of snow in the next day or so, i can't help but get excited when temps hit 50 this coming week. Spring finally taking a shove in our direction. Hopefully to stay!

Alas, the rest of day was very chill. I put together her train set in a new elaborate way and she played contently for a good hour. Just enough time for Mommy to tackle "Mt. Dresspants" that she's been putting off. I even got to watch adult-like tv! Ok, nothing good since we don't have cable. But i watched a few episodes of "Toddlers & Tiaras" for some background ironing noise. Averi must have been inspired by the gals on there cause it caused a impromptu sudden dress up time. Shortly after our 2nd outfit change Daddy finally came home with pizza in hand. Oh joy! We gobbled it up and played a fun game of "Lets say something nice about ____". Always good for a few laughs and smiles. Daddy being exhausted from the day asked me to do tubby duty as he layed in bed relaxing. Naturally he feel hard asleep and i finished up the bedtime ritual with no trouble. I learned you never wake a sleeping baby, so i won't chance a sleeping Daddy. So here i sit. Alone. Quiet. The keys ticking away with the night time hours. Tomorrow brings about Uncle Eric and Uncle Cory for the usual tacos and sillyness. Perhaps another impromptu dress up! Te he he! :)


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What cute pics! The sensory tubs are always such a hit (albeit messy).
I stopped over from MBC and will follow. Come check me out if you can - http://twobearsfarm.blogspot.com