Apr 11, 2011


Dust is finally settling on our new humble abode. Four long days of packing and unpacking, we are now adjusting to the new life as a home dweller. Boxes still sit in our kitchen as they await counter tops and the final touches to the cabinets. But in all honesty, even with not everything in its place, the air is so much better here. As if a dark cloud was lifted. People now come to visit as we are finally proud to be where we are; taking every compliment with a settling reassurance.

Now bring on the changes….
Averi’s 1st night in her new room & bed went smoother then anyone ever imagined. The tub had its 1st christening and worked quiet well given its different size. In hopes to elevate any nervousness, I made sure Averi picked out every thing, from pillows to pajamas. Book time changed drastically too. From rocking on the rocker (as we’ve done since birth) to me crawling into her bed and snuggling as I read. A new tradition I could certainly get use to.
Reminiscent of when she was a little baby in a big crib, she was now a little girl in her twin bed. But she slept as if it were nothing new. It was a sigh of relief felt by all.

Morning brought on a whole new light. Daddy’s first day back to work brought about a refinement of the usual morning quiet routine. It seemed as if it worked since neither Averi nor I were disturbed. Averi woke up a few hours later to her usual time, slightly disoriented but very happy none the less. I, who usually never enjoy the morning wake ups, greeted the day with quiet literally a leap and a dash of excitement for the day. We opened the windows, made our beds and popped right back to our usual morning. Well, not totally usual, since we are without tv and internet. So we took our milk, cereal and coffee to the sunroom. Sitting in our chairs, we watched birds come and go. People walking their dogs. A grandma with her 2 grandsons. The only sounds were the happy birds and the occasional bang in the distance of the new buildings up the hill. A whole other world far away from the ghetto nonsense we were so use to.
So with the lack of television and internet to hold us inside like zombies, I quickly took a bath (something I never really do, but can see enjoying) and we met the warm air with haste. I pulled out the slide as Averi found the “perfect” spot. The warm weather was much unexpected, especially when I found myself sweating just being out there. Luckily a breeze from storms coming cooled us most of the time. But boy did it feel good to be sans coat and in sandals. I aimlessly walked around our huge yard, not sure of what in the heck to do. Averi went off immediately to go “rock hunting, trying to unearth the biggest rocks she can find. I was sad to find out I was without a key to the garage so I had no much wanted yard supplies to work with. So with broom in hand I swept the sidewalk, picking up debris as I went along. The yard is filled with randomness and left over debris from the torn down sheds. It drives me crazy but I hope as summer comes and goes I will have a yard that fits with everyone else’s (not to mention a garden that out rivals another’s). 
Unsatisfied and still not wanting to spend a single moment inside, I took to the roses bushes, er sticks that are at the head before my garden. With only a broom and my 2 hands, I swept and weeded about half of the length. Averi loved helping me with “worm duty”, picking up the worms and placing them in safer “nicer” spots. I learned as I went what was a flower and what was a nasty weed. Unearthing soon to be blooming bushes and little herbs (although I have no clue on what they really are yet). I then took some of the bricks we have piled for whatever usage we can think of, and placed them as a nice divider in my now semi tidy garden area. I spread some nice “bag soil” over the freshly growing plants and called my garden time done. Gloomy rain clouds kept rearing there ugly heads awaiting the right moment to bring us inside. Luckily we got some bubble popping in just before the drops began to fall. So we gathered our things and headed inside, taking rest in the sunroom. The breeze smelled so sweet with rain and a hint of spring. I didn’t dare close a single window for this intoxicating scent (well except for the ones that we’re getting rain inside).
Averi went off in her own little way as usual, making dogs and bears have worldly adventures. I took on a few boxes in the kitchen in hopes to completely clear it for the construction workers. Found myself delayed by making a “castle” out of 2 boxes for Averi to decorate (Duck tape works wonders!). Before long Daddy arrived home with new groceries and swiftly dinner was prepared and served. Our 1st sit down dinner in the kitchen! Averi was for once excited about bedtime, getting to pick out her things and our new book snuggling.
So as she soundly slept, Daddy and I went out onto the porch with our chairs and just sat. Staring at the lights. Listening to the sounds. Just randomly chit chatting about whatever in the warm darkness. An early day awaits us, but its all for wonderful things. Internet, not that I miss it, and the final touches done by the contractors.

And with this, I bid you farewell for today.

"Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better."
~ King Whitney Jr


Unknown said...

This new layout is awesome!!